Well he finally arrived…
Cable is one of my favourite X Men characters. He is so badass. He is also one of the most powerful mutants in the world and one of Marvels powerhouse players.
Born of the legendary Cyclops and Jean Grey (clone) he is the ultimate strategist and with his mothers telekinesis abilities he has made even Apocalypse quiver in his boots.
The new Marvel Select Honours him with this highly detailed action figure. It really does capture his rawness. Packaged with some rather large arsenal that well only Cable can pull off. His traditional armour is well positioned to emphasize his demeanour. And even that trade mark square line jaw is moulded to perfection.
Marvel Select proves to us that you can still get a great figure with plenty articulation and not have to break the bank. This one is a sure winner and is already positioned to be a highly valued collectors item. If you lucky to get your hands on a 1st edition grab it. There is a genuine short supply.
Mine is already aptly placed to Deadpool.