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Batman v Superman: The Review

Batman V Superman, the mother of all match ups finally did its Superhero landing this past Friday. And what a landing!


The movie seems to be critically panned by most yet is set to make mega moola.



So how did it really fare?



*super minor spoilers ahead*


Firstly the darkness of the movie was a breath of fresh air compared to all the humour we get from Marvel (don’t get me wrong I love the Stark/Banner Banter but too much one thing can be detrimental fro ones health ) but I also feel that they drenched it in darkness when a good soak was all that was needed. A little more humour would have balance it more.



The movie did feel cluttered at times but with Snyder having to manages 3 heroes and world/franchise building I can let that slide which is more poor editing than bad direction. But like I said before the shared universe has that effect and it’s a symptom we will have to live with if we want this multi-verse to continue.There were some obvious plot holes that may be done on purpose and this shall only reveal itself in future instalments or could be just poor story telling.

The film is well cast ( more on that later) and for the most part well directed. There are some camera angles that seem less that courteous to the scene at times. Visually it is stunning, but with such a long development period I would expected nothing short of spectacular. The score felt right and my favourite was that of Wonder Woman in the final act.


Moving on to the cast, Batfleck seems to have nailed the Dark Knight but falls a little short on Bruce Wayne as there are times when it feels they are the same character and it shouldn’t, but time will heal that wound and IMO he has earned his seat as a worthy successor to Bale. His relationship with Alfred is captured beautifully and a key moment was him making old Al a cup of coffee. A scene that clearly defined there relationship is more than what appears on the surface.



Cavill seems to be settling into his role well and his second outing is an improvement, even his physique is larger. His romance with Lois felt a little fast tracked but again nothing one cant get past to enjoy the film. Ms Lane’s character is served well as one can but visually she looks a bit old for Clark but who am I to judge what Supe’s into these days.


Wonder Woman is a scene stealer in the best sense, her beauty, her strength and charisma shines through and will surely cement success in her solo outing. The only negative is that we never have enough of her.


Lex I must admit shattered all my fears of Eisenberg playing the role. His malice is unmatched (until a certain new green haired freak makes his début ) and his genius is on point. While others may say his eccentric was over the top, I applaud it and felt it was what would be in his youth in this time. He is so full of himself as only a Luther can be.


Snapping back to the film itself, I felt it delivered, adapting key Batman and Superman stories write out of comic book history and blending them together to create a cohesive story. So yes the movie is flawed is some ways but it certainly didn’t deserve the global panning which will probably hurt its box office returns.



This movie isn’t made to win over critics, it isn’t made to collect Oscars, it was made for the fans. It was made as fun popcorn blockbuster that brings together the holy trinity. And in that regards it succeeds.

All in all it is a solid entry into DC’s cinematic universe and even warrants a second viewing.

Lets give it a hard earned 4/5


As always BRING DA MAYHEM!!!!!!!!!!!

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Deadpool Review




I am not going to lie, I have been waiting for this movie for almost a decade so maybe my view maybe a little skewed, but then again when it comes to Deadpool you kinda need a skewed view to truly appreciate him.

In a world now filled with superheroes and world building, we get the refreshing enema in the form of Wade Wilson, the fan favourite Merc with a Mouth (and thank God it aint sworn shut).

The movie lives up the the well marketed hype and then some, even the opening credits reminds you, you aint in Kansas no more Dorothy.


The movie keeps the plot simple, while some might find that a bit boring for a Deadpool movie I felt it was necessary otherwise it would have distracted the average movie goer from the oddity (shout out to my boy ) of the movie itself. and that’s what Tim Miller has done well here, stayed true to the core character without alienating the general audience. But that’s not only what he and star Ryan Reynolds do well. They show us they can do X-Men better than X-Men, case in point Colossus. Never has the character been better depicted, from the thick Russian accent to the physique and his humble persona.

I will admit the villains were pretty underdeveloped but the movie makes you forget that with the well placed wit and humour… oh the humour, always the right dosage, always the right time.

In short Deadpool is a fun filled ride that’s the perfect break from all the intense franchise and their sometimes convoluted shares universe. You don’t need to catch up on 7 movies to know what is going on, you don’t need to buy a mountain load of back issues to understand the character. All you need is a barrel of popcorn and large soda and you will get your moneys worth.


The movie gets a slightly biased 5/5 simply for being totally original when the only options where dark or light. Being grey has never been so colourful.  Oh and to my Deadpool fans….

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F1 2015 – PS4

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F1 2015 PS4 -REVIEW

With the current well under way it was inevitable that Codemasters drop a new title….

While I am a confessd F1 nut, I have’nt always picked up the games and often opted for the GT road instead. But with the later lacking in the next gen format I had a need for speed that had to be quelled.


The game is instantly playable as it has modes from Beginner (or as i like to call it the Maldonado Mode) where all the assists are on and you basically a navigator, to the highly advanced Elite which has all assists off. Needless to say Elite is insanely difficult. I went for the medium Amateur Mode which has some assists off but is a decent challenge, at least while finding your feet.


The Graphics are superb and takes you into the weekend, with amazing attention to detail, but in retrospect any half decent PS4 game out now can safely say claim that. What helps F1 stand out a little more is the drivers faces and the crew, the crew as any F1 junkie knows is a fundamental force in the sport. I am glad this games shows that. The tracks are nothing short of spectacular, I swear I could smell the ocean at Monaco. The cars are beautiful as they are in real life.


So how does the gameplay go, well menu wise everything is compact and not in a good way, its very stripped down. The is very few modes available, the is a choice between two seasons, namely 2015 and 2014 which is stupid to say the least. I get that this is called F1 2015 and that is the primary focus but I remember older instalments having the function to drive older circuits and cars which was super cool. Not only are we restricted to 2 seasons but we stuck with a crap progression system. Any gamer will tell you progression and unlocks is where its at. Here all you can do is win a championship. What about testing, new parts. Where’s the interview’s? (that was in previous versions)

I think Codemasters missed a gear here, there was much more this game could have been. Dont get me wrong its a great game, but if you not a F1 fan then you going to be bored very quick. There is the Pro Season which works like a proper weekend including actual times which means no 20 minute races, tyre degradation and fuel issues and thats something to aspire to.

However when it comes down to the way the cars drives and feels, the game is on point ans it feels precise and fast (God its Fast), the corners rush you like a good racing game should and over taking is far from easy. The various views add the extra dimension. The ability to fine tune you car in setup up mode is very detailed and does make a difference when you start taking of the assists and helps give you the edge.

The multiplayer seems fun… pity i could test it out as it takes for ever and I am led to believe its 1 on 1. I mean really? Another missed opportunity, what could have been better that having a live track of 18 real drivers representing the teams and duelling for the crown? And not even split screen option, so fun with friends in lounge is a no no.


All in all its a great game, but could have been much better. Would I recommend buying the game?

I suggest waiting for a price drop, its a great game but I just feel short changed (but I just came of playing Arkham so my expectations are quite high). This game is for the purists.

Score 3.5/5


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Jurassic World Review

Jurassic World



I will take you into this review the way I was taken into the movie…..

It was all ho hum until the monorail started approaching the gates and you see the doors “Jurassic World” and the open with the theme music softly playing in the background.


Needless to say it sent shivers down my spine (o-saurus?)

The plot slowly manifests itself as it establishes the core characters, while giving you a nice tour of the theme park. And what a tour, the 3D work on this movie is breathtaking.There are scenes that truly take in, and then scenes that have something coming at you. And it isn’t forced, like hey this is the 3D part and something just flew at you. Its sometimes little things,but mostly just feels polished.


The action is amped and plenty, however the thrilling suspense building isn’t as great as the first one was. Speaking of the first, there is plenty homage to it, some direct and some not to direct, but it doesn’t feel forced. It feels right. I do warn you though if you walk in looking to emulate that feeling you got when you first saw dinosaurs come to life then you will be left disappointed.  The movie pays tribute and brings some of the original magic back but also puts its own stamp on it. It iconic water in a cup-tremor tool that used to signal the distant yet closing approach of the large and in charge villain dinosaur is gone. But that’s a good thing, some things are better left untouched, a statement  ironically itself the underlying theme of the movie.

The effects again are nothing short of spectacular, but we all knew it would do that. The acting… well… I mean everyone loves Chris Pratt, but this isn’t Star Lord and there is only a few well placed puns or jokes. I for one am glad as its now adds an extra dimension to his action star credibility. The kids acting is generally poor, “there is no quivering spoon”.  The rest of the cast ranges from wooden to mediocre but then again the real stars are the prehistoric divas so we can let it slide.

I was genuinely concerned about the hybrid dino, but trust me it makes sense and falls into place… in the context of crazy DNA movie science.


Bottom line this is a great popcorn flick, in fact the best sequel to the original to date and gets 4 out of  5 mega bites.


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Pre-Order: STAR WARS: EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE OBI-WAN KENOBI 1/6TH SCALE COLLECTIBLE FIGURE MMS283 Project Mayhem Action Figures Durban South Africa
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Pre-Order: STAR WARS: EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE OBI-WAN KENOBI 1/6TH SCALE COLLECTIBLE FIGURE MMS283 Project Mayhem Action Figures Durban South Africa
Pre-Order: STAR WARS: EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE OBI-WAN KENOBI 1/6TH SCALE COLLECTIBLE FIGURE MMS283 Project Mayhem Action Figures Durban South Africa

The legendary Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most memorable and crucial characters in the Star Wars saga. As the mentor of Anakin and Luke Skywalker to train them in ways of the Force, Obi-Wan has played a significant role in shaping the fate of the entire galaxy. Following the official introduction of Darth Vader Collectible Figure, the “circle is now complete” as Hot Toys is proud to present today the Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope 1/6th scale Obi-Wan Collectible Figure!

The movie-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Sir Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the film featuring a newly developed head sculpt, specially sculpted hands, finely tailored Jedi costume, LED-lighted lightsaber, and figure stand.

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Release date: Q3 – Q4, 2015

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Pre-Order: Hot Toys Avengers Age of Ultron: Hawkeye 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure MMS289

The release of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron is coming closer and closer! Fans are all pumped to see the Earth’s mightiest heroes assembling again to save the world from the menacing artificial intelligence Ultron! Following the reveal of Black Widow, Hot Toys is thrilled to present the widely-anticipated 1/6th scale Hawkeye Collectible Figure!

The movie-accurate Hawkeye Collectible Figure is specially crafted based on the image of Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye in Avengers: Age of Ultron, featuring a newly developed head sculpt, new outfit, improved articulations for action poses, freshly designed bow and arrows, and a specially designed figure stand.

Expand your Avengers: Age of Ultron collection with this extraordinary marksman!

R500 deposit secures the figure at the special Pre-Order Price. Affordable monthly repayments offered.

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Pre-Order: Hot Toys Avengers: Age of Ultron Iron Man Mark XLIII (43) 1/6 Scale Die Cast Figure [MMS278D09]

The movie-accurate Mark XLIII Collectible Figure is highly detailed and specially crafted based on the image of Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark/Mark XLIII in Avengers: Age of Ultron, featuring a newly painted Tony Stark helmeted head sculpt, metallic red, gold and silver armor with weathered effects, LED light-up functions, and a specially designed diorama base with a damaged Ultron Mark I. A special edition will be available for selected markets which includes a LED lighted battle damaged helmet as bonus accessory.Pre-order this amazing collectible figure to kick-off your Avengers: Age of Ultron collection!Description Source: Hot Toys HK

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