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Jurassic World Review

Jurassic World



I will take you into this review the way I was taken into the movie…..

It was all ho hum until the monorail started approaching the gates and you see the doors “Jurassic World” and the open with the theme music softly playing in the background.


Needless to say it sent shivers down my spine (o-saurus?)

The plot slowly manifests itself as it establishes the core characters, while giving you a nice tour of the theme park. And what a tour, the 3D work on this movie is breathtaking.There are scenes that truly take in, and then scenes that have something coming at you. And it isn’t forced, like hey this is the 3D part and something just flew at you. Its sometimes little things,but mostly just feels polished.


The action is amped and plenty, however the thrilling suspense building isn’t as great as the first one was. Speaking of the first, there is plenty homage to it, some direct and some not to direct, but it doesn’t feel forced. It feels right. I do warn you though if you walk in looking to emulate that feeling you got when you first saw dinosaurs come to life then you will be left disappointed.  The movie pays tribute and brings some of the original magic back but also puts its own stamp on it. It iconic water in a cup-tremor tool that used to signal the distant yet closing approach of the large and in charge villain dinosaur is gone. But that’s a good thing, some things are better left untouched, a statement  ironically itself the underlying theme of the movie.

The effects again are nothing short of spectacular, but we all knew it would do that. The acting… well… I mean everyone loves Chris Pratt, but this isn’t Star Lord and there is only a few well placed puns or jokes. I for one am glad as its now adds an extra dimension to his action star credibility. The kids acting is generally poor, “there is no quivering spoon”.  The rest of the cast ranges from wooden to mediocre but then again the real stars are the prehistoric divas so we can let it slide.

I was genuinely concerned about the hybrid dino, but trust me it makes sense and falls into place… in the context of crazy DNA movie science.


Bottom line this is a great popcorn flick, in fact the best sequel to the original to date and gets 4 out of  5 mega bites.