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Last Christmas

Genre:  Comedy / Romance / Drama

Cast:      Emilia Clarke

Henry Golding

Michelle Yeoh

Emma Thompson

Directed By: Paul Feige

FINALLY!!! The best part of the year has come! It is Christmas movies time! And yes Die Hard IS a Christmas movie.

Last Christmas has all the makings of a heart-warming, brain mushing, fuzzy, tear jerking and cuddling movie. If you are looking for a date night movie to watch with your special someone this holiday, stop reading this and book your ticket NOW. Trust me, it is worth it.

I absolutely LOVED this movie, and not only because it had Wham! And George Michael music. The acting was really good but for me Emma Thompson stole the show. We all know what a brilliant actress she is but in this movie her acting was on another level amazing and she co-wrote the script as well. Hats off Emma!

Usually Christmas movies are predictable, girl + boy then trouble and finally happily ever after, this movie leaves you shocked and “wow! I did not see that coming”. As it is the holiday season, Last Christmas leaves you with proper holiday feels, love and appreciation for your family and friends and grateful that we actually do have people who love and care about us that we can just go and give a great big hug to just because they exist.

Always look up :)

Click the link below to watch the trailer:

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