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Deadpool Review




I am not going to lie, I have been waiting for this movie for almost a decade so maybe my view maybe a little skewed, but then again when it comes to Deadpool you kinda need a skewed view to truly appreciate him.

In a world now filled with superheroes and world building, we get the refreshing enema in the form of Wade Wilson, the fan favourite Merc with a Mouth (and thank God it aint sworn shut).

The movie lives up the the well marketed hype and then some, even the opening credits reminds you, you aint in Kansas no more Dorothy.


The movie keeps the plot simple, while some might find that a bit boring for a Deadpool movie I felt it was necessary otherwise it would have distracted the average movie goer from the oddity (shout out to my boy ) of the movie itself. and that’s what Tim Miller has done well here, stayed true to the core character without alienating the general audience. But that’s not only what he and star Ryan Reynolds do well. They show us they can do X-Men better than X-Men, case in point Colossus. Never has the character been better depicted, from the thick Russian accent to the physique and his humble persona.

I will admit the villains were pretty underdeveloped but the movie makes you forget that with the well placed wit and humour… oh the humour, always the right dosage, always the right time.

In short Deadpool is a fun filled ride that’s the perfect break from all the intense franchise and their sometimes convoluted shares universe. You don’t need to catch up on 7 movies to know what is going on, you don’t need to buy a mountain load of back issues to understand the character. All you need is a barrel of popcorn and large soda and you will get your moneys worth.


The movie gets a slightly biased 5/5 simply for being totally original when the only options where dark or light. Being grey has never been so colourful.  Oh and to my Deadpool fans….

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Arkham Knight Action Figure Series



The highly anticipated game is here, and with it comes the merchandise. The good thing is Arkham takes as much pride with their merchandise as their game development. The Action series in particular has always been stellar. Even now the original Arkham Asylum Joker is highly sought after.


The first wave has already been released and I have already picked up 2 (should have gotten the Batman too darn it!). Harley Quinn and Scarecrow.



Gone is the old blister packs, and now we have gorgeous boxes (great for those who keep their figures in packages). The figures have really evolved from the Asylum days and the detail is far superior to anything in its prices range. I love this rendition of Harley as it makes her look real while still preserving her craziness and sex appeal. Scarecrow is scarier than ever and looks the part as one half of the games central villain.


This is the first wave with the second coming soon, Arkham Knight seems to be the elusive one from the entire series, so grab it if you have the chance. I very rarely collect or attempt to collect an entire series but I think this has earned that.

It is very well priced and detailed as i stated earlier. I will be updating this article as more of these pieces make it to my hands. I do hope they maximize the amount of characters they release and if this is the final game then bring them all.

PS: game review will be live later this week.

As always bring the MAYHEM!!!

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Figure Review: CABLE

Well he finally arrived…



Cable is one of my favourite X Men characters. He is so badass. He is also one of the most powerful mutants in the world and one of Marvels powerhouse players.



Born of the legendary Cyclops and Jean Grey (clone) he is the ultimate strategist and with his mothers telekinesis abilities he has made even Apocalypse quiver in his boots.

The new Marvel Select Honours him with this highly detailed action figure. It really does capture his rawness. Packaged with some rather large arsenal that well only Cable can pull off. His traditional armour is well positioned to emphasize his demeanour. And even that trade mark square line jaw is moulded to perfection.

Marvel Select proves to us that you can still get a great figure with plenty articulation and not have to break the bank. This one is a sure winner and is already positioned to be a highly valued collectors item. If you lucky to get your hands on a 1st edition grab it. There is a genuine short supply.

Mine is already aptly placed to Deadpool.

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Daredevil: Series


So I am almost done with watching the Daredevil series, and man what a trip.

I have never been a Daredevil fan, while I never had anything against old horn head, he never seemed to have that oomph that I prefer for my reads. The movie all but sealed his fate in my books. But then along came this series all dark and gritty, no holds barred and I found myself enjoying this character very much.


Marvel pretty much show DC ,  they can do dark too.

As a show it delivers on all accounts, but there are parts that could have been polished a bit more. The fact that one can watch the show in one sitting doesn’t hurt either.

I really would love Matt to guest spot Marvel: Agents of SHIELD, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

So what you waiting for go get watching….
